Eminent Editorial Board Members

Amgad Rabie
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
Jianxun Song
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
Xinna Li
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
Hazem Aqel
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
Fernando Almeida de Souza
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
Mingui Fu
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
Ramesh C Gupta
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
Christos Georgiou
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
William Cho
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis
Shailendra K Saxena
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis (JIDP) is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal which encourages research, education, and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Infectious Diseases across the globe. JIDP publishes research works that reflect significant advances in the key disciplines of basic and clinical science. The journal is devoted to provide a platform for Epidemiologists, pathologists, and Public Health experts and clinical researchers, to share and reuse each other's data sets throughout the world. 

JIDP provides a rapid communication by promoting articles having scientific information in the form of review articles, clinical Investigations, Epidemiological Analysis, Data Protocols, Case Reports, and special commentaries, laboratory-based research throughout the world.

Tackling the Spreading of HIV in the Ivory Coast
The spread of HIV in Ivory Coast is examined to evaluate Ivorian perspectives’ on which factors explicate the rising of HIV. This study reports the findings of an in-depth mixed method study with 39 teachers, 63 sixth grade students, eight school a...
Fluconazole Resistance in Candida Species: Ten Years’ Experience at a Rural Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in India
Although Candida albicans is considered as the most common cause of candidiasis, recent studies have documented increased isolation of non albicans Candida (NAC) species. Most of the published studies on candidiasis are focused towards a single clini...
Antimalarial Phytochemicals: Delineation of the Triterpene Asiatic Acid Malarial Anti-Disease and Pathophysiological Remedial Activities - Part I
Malaria is a composite condition of the Plasmodium parasite infection and accompanying pathologies. Parasite induced red blood cell perturbations and immunological response to infection drive various organ-specific syndromes accounting for a huge per...
Antimalarial Phytochemicals: Delineation of the Triterpene Asiatic Acid Malarial Anti-Disease and Pathophysiological Remedial Activities - Part II
Malaria is a composite condition of the Plasmodium parasite infection and accompanying pathologies. Parasite induced red blood cell perturbations and immunological response to infection drive various organ-specific syndromes accounting for a huge per...
Evaluation of Genxpert Real Time PCR POC in the Diagnosis of Multidrug Resistant TB Among Patients Attending NTBLTC Saye-Zaria Nigeria
Xpert MTB/RIF is a novel automated molecular diagnostic platform recently endorsed by the World Health Organization. However, performance-related data from high HIV prevalence settings are limited....
Thrombocytopenia as Additional Marker of Severity in African Children with Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria
Thrombocytopenia (platelets counts < 100,000/mm3) is predictive of death in African children with falciparum malaria exposed to low seasonal transmission. However, the impact of this indicator on malaria severity was not fully addressed....
A Mobile Health Intervention to Support TB Eradication Programme for Adherence to Treatment and a Novel QR Code Based Technique to Monitor Patient–DOTS Provider Interaction
Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a major public health burden in India as the number of new cases still is in ascending trend. The major challenges lie in adherence of treatment of identified cases which involve treating them by ensuring the patient...
HIV and Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (HIV-IRIS)
The development of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has markedly improved the outlook for patients living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV). However, in a subset of patients, dysregulated immune response after initiation of ART leads to the pheno...
Social Dimension of HIV/AIDS Information Education and Communication Programmes
The research focused on social Dimension of HIV/AIDS Information Education and Communication Programme. The objective was to assess the extent to which mainstreaming business enterprises in Botswana incorporate staff members, staff member’s familie...
Compromised T cell Immunity in Elderly via Naïve T cell Anergy
Immunosenescence is the term commonly used to describe age-related changes in immune responses with aging. It renders older adults more prone to infectious diseases and age-related diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and autoimmunity. ...