Eminent Editorial Board Members

Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Helal
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Nikolaos Andreas Chrysanthakopoulos
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Emad Tawfik Mahmoud Daif
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Jianhui Liu
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Izzet Yavuz
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Changxiang Wang
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Mahyunah Masud
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Bronislaw Slomiany
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science
Shen Hu
Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science

Journal of Oral Health and Dental Science (JOHDS; ISSN: 2577-1485) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal which publishes articles covering all areas of Oral Health and Dental Science. It is dedicated to disseminating new knowledge and information on all sciences relevant to the dentistry, oral hygiene, orthodontics, associated structures in health and disease.

JOHDS accepts article submission in the form of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. It promotes the practice, education, and research specifically related to oral health and dental science.

Zirconia based Crowns for Esthetic Rehabilitation of Severely Discolored Teeth: A Case Report
According to studies, the smile is the first contact in human relationship. With the “media smile” in our society today, esthetic concerns of our patients are increasing. Despite the long-term reliability of the metal-ceramic prostheses, they hav...
Influence of Irrigant Solutions and Apex Locators in Working Length Determination
The objective of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of three apex locators using four irrigant solutions to determine the working length of root canals. Material and methods: thirty unirradicular teeth were used. Teeth were randomly divided into ...
Restorative Treatment Options for Fractured Teeth
The incidence of fractured teeth seems to be increasing. Fractures normally result from cracks that develop over a period of time until the tooth separates into either buccal or lingual fragments. The diagnosis and early treatment can often prevent n...
Esthetic Restoration of Two Severely Decayed Maxillary Central Incisors: A Case Report
Materials selection is the second in the series on crowns and other extra-coronal restorations. Some of us are less than inspired by dental materials science. Restoration of an anterior root-filled tooth with little remaining coronal tooth-tissue can...
Dry Socket Following Teeth Extraction: Effect of Excessive Socket Saline Irrigation
Alveolar osteitis, “dry socket”, is reported among the most common complications following teeth extraction. Many controversies are present in the literature of the pathogenesis of alveolar osteitis, yet the exact mechanisms are not yet confirmed...
Antimicrobial Effect of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesised with Ocimum Sanctum Leaf Extract on Periodontal Pathogens
Nano silver particles have been widely used in biomedical applications for diagnosis and treatment. Green synthesis of nanoparicles by using Ocimum sanctum results in rapid, economical and ecofriendly product for drug delivery. The minimum inhibitory...
A Modified Functionally Generated Path Technique (FGP) for Making Posterior Unit Metal-Ceramic Crown
Conventional techniques for construction accurate fixed prostheses have been unsuccessful in producing a prosthesis that can be inserted without intraoral occlusal adjustment. Successful oral rehabilitation requires precise fixed prostheses that are ...
Evaluation of the Stability, pH, Density and Sedimentation of Green Tea and Green Tea Plus Ginger Mouthwash: A Phytochemical Study
Dental plaque is the chief pathologic agent for the commencement of gingivitis. Diseased gingiva if left untreated may result in a compromised periodontium. The progression of gingival diseases can be controlled by regular plaque control. The sole us...
Caries Incidence in Children of Primorsko Goranska County, Croatia
The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of caries in a 6-year follow-up study, to determine the Treatment Needs Index for dental caries, and the restorative Care Index....
Side Effects of Phenytoin in the Oral Cavity: A Review
The purpose of this article is to share with professionals in dentistry and related personnel in the health area, the oral findings in epileptic patients under treatment of phenytoin. Epilepsy contributes to the ingestion of phenytoin, which is the o...