Eminent Editorial Board Members

Babak Saedi
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Amit Kumar Rana
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Basil M.N. Saeed
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Chang Hoon Bae
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Berlucchi Marco
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Vural Fidan
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Muhammad Sami Jabbr
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Sambhaji Govind Chintale
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Riaud Xavier
Journal of Otolaryngology Research
Jeremy Hornibrook
Journal of Otolaryngology Research

Journal of Otolaryngology Research (JOR) is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on ear, nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, cervical region and respiratory ducts. The journal publishing on all aspects of otolaryngology-head & neck surgery, including pediatric and geriatric otolaryngology, rhinology & anterior skull base surgery, otology/neurotology, facial plastic & reconstructive surgery, head & neck oncology, and maxillofacial rehabilitation, as well as related topics.

JOR is intended to be a key resource for clinicians, allied health specialists, and researchers in the fields of Otorhinolaryngology, oral and maxillofacial, plastic&neuro surgery, and oncology. The objective of the journal is to publish the original contributions that enhance the understanding of otolaryngologic disorders.


Endoscopic Excision of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: A Case Series
To present our experience of excision of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) through an endoscopic approach.Retrospective case series review of six cases of JNA patients, encountered between 2010 and 2017. All patients underwent endoscopic exc...
Intraorbital Abscess Concomitant with Subperiostial Abscess in a Two Year-Old Boy. A Rare Case Report
Sinusitis is common among children and it can lead to orbital complications. Here, we present a case of 2 year-old boy that, following ethmoidal sinusitis, developed symptoms and radiological features compatible with subperiosteal abscess. It was tre...
Acute Mastoiditis Following Leech Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Otitis Media
Hirudotherapy (Leech therapy) was first used by Avicenna in 1020 [1]. It was believed that Hirudo medicinalis balanced the ‘biological humours’ by removing blood from patients. In 12th century, Abd-el-latifal-Baghdadi claimed that leeches could h...
The Efficacy of Mastoid Cavity Obliteration by Conchal Cartilage in Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy
A chronic discharging ear has been considered a real problem and a challenge for the otologists for a long period. The main objective in the surgery of aural cholesteatoma is to completely eradicate the disease to obtain a safe and a dry ear. The oth...
Vallecular Cyst in a 1 Month Old Infant
Vallecular cyst (VC) is a rarely seen but life threatening cause of upper respiratory system obstruction in newborns and infants. Nearly 10.5% of congenital laryngeal cysts are VC [1]. Tsai, et al. reported an incidence of 5.3 cases/100.000 live birt...
The Role of Antibiotics in Post Tonsillectomy Morbidity: An Experience at Tertiary Centre, Steve Biko Academic Hospital, University of Pretoria.
Tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy continues to be one of the most common surgical procedure performed worldwide. Its main complications are post tonsillectomy complications are bleeding, infection and pain [1]. Despite improvements in anaes...
A Retrospective Review of Medullary Carcinoma Thyroid
Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is a neuroendocrine tumor of the parafollicular or C cells of the thyroid gland. The present study aims to determine the demographic, clinical and pathological characteristics of patients diagnosed with MTC at our surgi...
Posterior Nasoseptal Flap in the Reconstruction of Skull Base Defects Following the Endonasal Surgery
To study the clinical outcomes of posterior nasal septal flap in endonasal reconstruction of anterior skull base defects. The early harvested flap was used to reconstruct anterior skull base defects among patients with high-flow on-table CSF leak. Po...
Case Series of Rare Cervical Nerve Root Schwannoma
10% of schwannoma that occur in the head and neck region mostly originate from the vagus or sympathetic nervous system whereas those arising from C2 and C6 nerve root are extremely rare. Extracranial schwannomas in the head and neck region are a rare...
Surgical Outcomes of Thyroid Surgery in a Teaching Hospital in Mid-West Nepal
The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical outcome and complications of various thyroid surgeries in a teaching hospital in mid-west of Nepal. Restrospective hospital based study. The study was carried out in Universal College of Medical Scie...